Politics and the Media

Politics & the Media - extemporaneous observations on the dynamics of two incredibly powerful social forces by a lifelong observer and of late, producer.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Ok, Politics and technology and the media

'cause it's all connected, y'know?

It's all about the Google. Last night I was editing my home page when I used the phrase "the web is the printing press times a google". I'm not sure if it's grammatically correct, but it seemed fitting. Got me thinking about Google ('magine that) and its impact on media.

Google becomes the predominant content portal.

Blogs, video, podcasting, Messaging, Calendar, podcast subscription portal (get government economic reports directly on your phone, with reminders prior (this serves the foreign exchange market, which is (according to a friend who's been learning quite a lot about it) as I understand it, the largest market in the world. Having direct access to the reports and subsequent anablogs (Analysis Blogs - public index, subscriptions) directly summarized in your phone. As it happens. Google obviates Bloomberg.

Completely integrated into our lives.
When the interface to computing becomes as simple as speaking into thin air, you could well say that technology has been completely integrated. Email? Say it. Instant voice-(then video) connection with anyone in the world? Got it.

That's what I mean by "integrated". I think it's comin soon to a bluetooth earpiece near you. "Hello... Call from 'you know who!'"

Google as Internet 3.0 - "Yoogle".
Calendars integrated with media. Voice interfaced Searches (3G location-enabled). Google obviates 411. Voice activated email navigation. Dictation/Playback, Voice Activated Editing. Real time voice translation. Google makes it Global.

Imagine THAT.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Why Rummy Won't Run

Rummy stays. Why? Cause he's essential to the bush administration! Not because he's done such a great job as Defense Secretary. Hardly. Fact is, Rumsfeld comes from a tightknit group of conservatives who have been slowly accumulating power since the Nixon Administration, which was served by a young Donald Rumsfeld. Also working in the White House was Dick Cheney, who became the youngest Chief of Staff. These guys ARE the presidency and aren't going anywhere. I just had to say that.